Content Marketing For Real Estate Brokers & Agents (Part 3 of 4)

Mar 2, 2020

Mike Price – IDX Trainer

In our first article, we defined content marketing. In the second, we illustrated how to establish a simple strategy. In this article, we will review the importance of having a content calendar to help you plan your projects on a schedule.

Content marketing has two primary goals. 1. Boost Your Brand 2. Lead Capture

Your Brand

These days it’s critical for a real estate professional to understand how important their brand is. Whether you’ve established a niche or you’re promoting yourself as a hyperlocal neighborhood expert, your content should have a consistent message that helps readers understand who you are and why you’re great at what you do so that they can feel an affinity to you. Affinity leads to trust, and trust leads to… leads.

Lead Capture

Your best opportunity for lead generation is to always think about the value that your reader is going to get from your content. If you create a piece of content, set it aside for a while and then go back and view it with fresh eyes. If it seems a bit too promotional or self-serving, tweak it; you want your copy to be polished but still genuine and relatable. Viewing it from the perspective of your reader, you want to make sure they will be taking away something actionable. If you work with a team or at a brokerage, ask someone to help you review your content. Creating what you can ahead of time and staging it for release at a later date will go a long way toward helping you reach your goals.

Tip: it’s generally also more manageable to set aside a few hours to knock-out some key pieces while you’re in the same frame of mind vs. jumping in and out of the task while you’re also juggling other priorities.

Download Your Free Content Calendar Spreadsheet:

Content Planning

Establishing an overall theme that focuses on the needs of your prospective buyers and sellers will help guide you toward creative content ideas. Think problem-solving. What are the most significant issues or questions that your prospects have? Create your content around answering these questions. Solving problems builds trust, strengthens your brand, and eventually generates leads.


Using our sample content calendar gives you a chance to create a continuous flow of content. It also allows you to track your progress through analytics (that’s in our next article) and make changes as you go to increase results continually. Establishing themes ahead of time allows you to think of creative ways to set yourself apart!

Suggestion? Start with a LIVE Data theme!

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