Insider Tips

Insider Tips for Today's Market - Tip #2

Jul 18, 2023

By Brett Woolley
Buyer’s Agent & Seller’s Agent

One of the best things about teaching Flexmls® classes for Continuing Education is that I get to talk with my fellow agents about the issues they are facing. The real fun is then helping them solve some of their problems by showing them some remarkable, but lesser known, features in Flexmls. Here’s another tip for you!

Tip #2: Customizing Your Search Results Views

Custom List/Views

You can’t really have a custom Quick Search without a custom View, or List to go with it. This is the spreadsheet view where you can sort by the data columns and fine tune your search results. Like so many things in Flexmls, the List/View is also completely customizable. When I ask agents if there are any data columns they wish they could see in their default List/View, I hear things like lot size, days on market, pool, HOA, etc. It’s always fun showing agents in my class how they can choose what data fields to sort by in their own custom List/View inside Flexmls.

Custom Views
Custom Views

You can even change the name of the data field to adjust the column width. For example, changing Bedrooms to “Beds,” or subdivision to “Subd.” If you’re not sure how to customize your search results in Flexmls check out this training video. In this article, I just want to make you aware of these phenomenal features in the Flexmls Platform.

Did you know?
There are a number of different features right within your Flexmls Platform that you can add to your website as well via a SmartFrame or WordPress Plugin! Quick Searches, Saved Searches with LIVE data, and more. What a remarkable service for your prospects and clients! Schedule a no-obligation demo below or call 1-866-320-9977 today.

Request A No-Obligation Demo

Keep an eye out for Tip #3 coming soon and be sure to read last month’s tip on Custom Quick Search Templates!

Here’s to your success!

~ Brett