12 Ideas For Better Real Estate Marketing Emails

Mar 14, 2020

Mike Price – IDX Trainer 

Email marketing is one of the most effective strategies you can employ to drive traffic to your IDX home search website.

Reaching your sphere of influence in a way that engages them rather than causing them to disengage from your emails, can be a be challenging:

But, here are ways to get it right.

Nurture Vs. Sell

The best campaigns for real estate are based on your ability to stay top-of-mind with your clients. Branding and identity should be your goal, not direct sales pitches. People don’t buy or sell real estate every day and so your goal is to keep them interested and remembering you between transactions, so they are primed to call you when the time is right. Taking this long-tail approach to engaging with your list will pay off.

Establish Trust

The relationships you have developed with your list should convey trust and a willingness to share actionable content to:

  1. Encourage them to recommend you to their friends and family as referrals
  2. Become their trusted expert for real estate-related questions between transactions
  3. Get them invested in using your iDX home search website as their primary resource for real estate listings and other market related information  (Increasing one-time traffic to your site is one thing, but keeping them coming back over time should be your goal.) Download the handy .pdf attached to this article for more info!


A great email campaign needs a great site to direct prospects. If you’re not running LIVE Flexmls connected data in your site, get a fast free demo of the options that can get up and running quickly. Just click the button below to get on the schedule.

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