Content Marketing For Real Estate Brokers And Agents (Part 4 of 4)

Mar 2, 2020

Mike Price – IDX Trainer

content marketing for real estate brokersPart 4: Analysis – What Makes Content Marketing Work?

So far, we have defined content marketing (part 1)established your simple strategy (part 2), and outlined the importance of planning (part 3). In this final article, we will review content marketing analysis.
Gauging the metrics of your content marketing consistently allows you to adjust your campaigns and messaging for continual improvement.
What To Measure

  • Lead Capture
  • Conversions
  • Engagement
  • Referrals
  • Testimonials

Competitive Analysis
One of the best opportunities you have to create compelling content that converts is by keeping your eye on your competition. By doing an in-depth analysis of the content they produce over a period of time, you can get a good idea for the topics of content that work best, how often they create it, what types they create, and the preferred distribution channels for it. Identifying a pattern allows you to see what is most likely working best for their conversions. Below are some articles that outline in detail the best practices for competitive content analysis.

Your Content Analysis
One of the great things about digital marketing lies in the ability to measure at many different levels. Keeping your eye on the numbers allows you to modify your content messages, the mediums you’re using, and the frequency in which you use them. The key numbers to track for web and blog content can be found using Google Analytics or a platform similar to it. The most important things to track are:


  • Pageviews / Unique Pageviews
  • Bounce Rate
  • Time-On Page
  • Backlinks
  • Keywords / Phrases

Social Media Analysis

Every social platform has a built-in analytics tool that gives you the ability not only to see the traffic, but how people engage with the content. I recommend building your own “dashboard” for tracking your social content using a simple spreadsheet. Every social message you create should be modified for each of the social media channels you are using. You can then consolidate the analytics for traffic and engagement by post, and track:

  • Views
  • Likes
  • Shares / Retweets
  • Comments
  • Messages

It’s important to keep in mind that your social media content marketing effort is about building a sense of trust and connection in your business, and ensuring that you stay top-of-mind for when the time comes for a real estate transaction. I wouldn’t go in expecting to capture plenty of leads from each of these efforts; we’re talking cumulative impact through continual effort

Today’s real estate professional – like any other small business owner – needs to be a content creator. Content marketing allows for the ability to identify issues important to potential customers and create compelling resources for them that address those issues through great storytelling and hyperlocal market knowledge. Combine all this with a tremendous LIVE data home search, and the result is a massive portal can’t replicate a real estate resource.

Go forth and publish.

Your content marketing strategy is an ongoing process that, given the proper attention and resources, will become your best source of lead capture. Make sure you’re taking full advantage of the content that is IDX. If you’re not running LIVE Flexmls connected data, you owe it to yourself to get a demo today. Use the button below to get on the schedule.

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