15 minutes might be able to save you some money on your car insurance but it could be a big problem when it comes to listing data. You see, even though much of the listing data for the same property is the same from site to site, only Flexmls data is accurate up to the second. Some web portals update once a day, or every few hours, some claim to do it every 15 minutes. In today’s super competitive landscape, being right on time, the very first time is critical. Nobody wants to start a client relationship with a perceived credibility gap.
The very same live Flexmls connected data powers all of our IDX solutions. It’s a huge advantage* to have that kind of exclusivity in your own website.
Join us for a 15 minute coffee break webinar to explore the ways you can harness your Flexmls connected IDX edge. See you there.
* “We love FlexMLS IDX as a way of building search portals for our clients, of course, but the public-facing IDX search is a way for us to get in front of window-shoppers – and then deliver real value. All that, plus we know there will be no differences in the inventory the customer or client sees.”
Greg Swann, Bloodhound Realty, Phoenix, AZ