Strategies For A Winning Broker Website

Jul 1, 2022

Big Broker Results. Small Broker Resources.

You’ve invested time and capital into a website for your brokerage. You’ve promoted it, but of the people you’ve been able to get to the site, few convert to leads. Why? Usually, it boils down to a lack of strategy and planning.

The Challenge of Strategy & Tactics

Ask any broker that has taken the time to implement the strategies discussed in this article, and they will tell you that it takes patience. The ROI is not immediate. They will also tell you that some trial and error is needed to get it just right. Sometimes brokers will spend all of their time and effort trying to employ a ton of tactics in rapid succession, deploying and jetisoning different tools without properly leveraging or optimizing them to their full potential. Instead, what works is putting in place a longer-term strategy with data-based goals and milestones. 

It’s All About The CTAs

Your site’s CTAs (Calls to Action) are the critical components to lead capture.

  • Will prospects give you their contact information in exchange for the download of a unique piece of content you’ve created?
  • Will they be more likely to create a portal account for saved searches, favorites, and alerts if you make it clear what the benefits are to them?
  • Is it possible to develop and maintain the type of content necessary to convert buyers and sellers to leads?
  • Will top producing agents at other brokerages have site envy?
  • Can it be done without a huge budget?

The answers to these questions are yes! Some small brokers see tremendous returns on investment with their websites. They are positioning them as resources that strengthen their brands. They are staying top-of-mind in their respective marketplaces with buyers, sellers, and agents.

What are the key strategies that can establish your site as a go-to resource?

CHECKLIST: Essential Strategies For Broker Website Success

1) IDX
Creating and implementing an accurate home search on your site plus adding hyperlocal and niche-based saved searches; IDX is being used by brokers who understand the tremendous content value it holds.

2) Testimonials & Reviews
We all know how critical referrals are. However, most brokers and agents do not take the time to implement a testimonial strategy that provides a consistent source of new testimonials that can be powerful ways to fill a pipeline with quality leads.

3) Hyperlocal & Niche Based Content
Quite simply, buyers and sellers want to know what you know about location and lifestyle; not the basic stuff Zillow knows from pulling in data or some companies slap up from the chamber website, but the things only you know as a community member and agent who is constantly traversing the neighborhoods within in. Employing this strategy can help you slay any competitor, large or small.

4) Market Statistics
Consumers are empowered with a significant amount of data these days. Providing targeted information that is frequently updated will keep eyeballs on your pages.

5) Social
If you think that pumping an automatic feed of listings to Twitter and Facebook is a social strategy, you’re doing it wrong. (Sorry.) Your social strategy needs to be all about engagement and creating conversations. It’s another area where hard work pays off big if you’re willing to be patient.

The Takeaway:

Taking the time to establish a solid strategy for your website will eventually generate an ROI that isn’t dependent on a hamster wheel of purchasing and distributing leads. We wish you the greatest success with your battle plan!  

Need a little help?

If you’re a broker that’s ready to get started with a new site, or you want to audit your current site’s home search, take advantage of a free consultation with a member of our team.

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